Saturday, June 30, 2012

Today I...

Today I...
Went for a walk.  It has been a while since I walked for exercise, but I walked 3.52 miles in 48.01 minutes.  that works out to about 13.37 min/mile.  Pretty good for some one so out of shape.  My goal is to do the route in 30 minutes or less.  Decided that the weight won't come off by itself and I am tired of feeling crappy.
So my reward?  Gardening and then spinning and knitting.
I did finish and ship out my Knit Girllls Afghan square #2 and Yesterday I finished my third afghan square.  Just need an address now to send it out.  May start #4 tonight.  Here are the previous ones I did.  I'll post more pics when my partners get their packages in the remaining rounds.

This is Number 2 and it went to Kristina in TX

This is Number 1 and it went to Angie in B.C.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I finally finished DH's Sweater!!!  Sleeves are on, but they are too long.  May need to shorten them.  Will see with some washes first.

 I have more fiber to spin.  This will be a gift so no pics until it is done.  I am working on my alpaca fiber purchase.  I am trying long draw, but the fiber was filthy.  Loads of veggie matter (at least I hope it was veggie).  I combed and carded the fiber again (with slicker brushes and mane combs from central tractor)  it is cleaner, but now it is in smaller bits and lets just say I am getting a lot of practice adding in fiber as I spin.  Would also help if I spun at the same ratio as the first 2oz.

So purest fiber preppers look away...
I tried to price fiber combs and hand carders online and WOW!  I can't afford that.  I don't plan on processing my own fiber anytime soon.  SO I was thinking that the had cards look like dog brushes (really big dog brushes)  and the combs you just need to have something hold the fiber while you use another to straighten the fiber and pull out all the bad bits (the mane and tail pullers look like they may work)

Tractor Supply here I come.
Center is my Ashford Flick Carder with my new hand "carders" and "combs"

I know they are not optimal.  I get small rolags and combing takes some time, but and it is a big but, for the amount of fiber processing I plan on doing in the foreseeable future 26 bucks beats the price of the real carders and combs.  Heck I paid 20 for the Ashford flick carder.  So until I can afford the right tools I will make sure I don't buy a raw fleece and I will make sure the fiber is cleaner than the one I just bought.

Have a great day

Sunday, June 10, 2012

It's Been A While

Well it has been a while since I posted.  I have been knitting and spinning a bit.  The gardens are looking good. I have decided I am a very fine spinner.  I have trouble making thick yarn that is.  I guess that is okay since I am still in the mode of "I need to get the most yardage out of this fiber".  I need to sew on the sleeves of DH's sweater.  UGH!!  I just can't seem to sit and do it.  I also need to finish the second sock of Dragon's Tongue for DD.  I did join the afghan square swap with the knit girls.  That group are nothing but a bunch of enablers...   AND I LOVE IT.
I am watching some video podcasts now.
The Knit Girllls
Around the Twist
90% Knitting
Twisted Strands
The Fiberista Files
Knittin' on the Fly
The Anatomy of Knitting
Knit Me Happy
Blooming Knits
Here are some pics of my latest spinning endeavors.
This is From FiberMonster in the Waterfall Colorway
I got about 447 yards

This is WC Mercantile in the Pickle Colorway
I got about 568 yards

And this is Three Waters Farm in the Couture Colorway
I got about 700 yards

You can see more details on my Ravely Page, MsBusyNeedles.
I think I have finally found my creative niche.  I love to spin and knit, and I am enjoying the community I am discovering.